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Saturday, March 7, 2009

Opponent Apple with the Skin Cancer

Consume one apple every day has been made tubuhsehat. But that does not apply if you eat the apple with the peel the skin first. Should, remove habits because you will lose a potential substance quercetin against cancer and heart disease.

Apple skin antioxidants and have activity bioaktivitas higher than in the apple fruit because it contains quercetin which is antisoksidan. Vitamin C is found in the flesh of apple fruit has antioxidants activity 1, while the antioxidants quercetin have any activity to 4.7 times.

Of course, the vitamin in the grain apple fruit is not only that. Ability apples as disease prevention also lies in the womb karoten and pektinnya. Karoten have activity as vitamin A and antioxidants that are also useful to prevent the attack of free radicals causes various diseases such as cancer and degeneratif diabetes melitus.

While pectin fiber is a type of food that is dissolved in water. Because the fiber in the gel, pectin can improve digestion and stimulate muscle remaining on the food channel disposal.

Pectin is also known as antikolesterol because it can bind bile acids which is the end result of cholesterol metabolism. The more bile acids that berikatan with pectin and terbuang to outside the body so that the more cholesterol termetabolisme.

In addition, pectin can also absorb excess water in the intestine, soften feses, and binding and eliminate poisons from the gut. Consumption of apples regularly can also keep the balance of blood sugar and lower cholesterol blood pressure.

All substances-substances that dikandung apple than the above will also have the property to prevent intestinal tumor formation and prevent attacks tumor. Vitamine is certainly not only be the fruit only in the flesh but also the skin. Thus consume apples with the skin is better than without the skin.

However, imports are usually a few apples coated with wax goal decomposition process hindered the pace. Better because the skin needs to be eaten along with efforts to menghilanhkan layer of wax is the way to apples submerge in warm water so that the layer of wax to melt and then rubbed clean and dry.

When buying apples any condition must be the fruit. Choose apples that shiny skin, the tip of the fruit used and the sheath appears merenggang when dijentikan with the fingers will be a loud voice.

Gynecology vitamine in 100 grams of apple fruit is 58 kkal energy, 4 g fat, 3 g protein, 14.9 carbohydrate, 900 IU vitamin A, 7 mg tiamin, r mg riboflavin, 2 mg niacin, 5 mg vitamin C, 0, 04 mg vitamin B, 6 mg calcium, 3 mg iron, 10 mg and 130 mg phosphorus potasium.

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