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Saturday, March 7, 2009

Benefits Meniran Syrup

The one-time sell short on the fringe of the wild plant road, because it can so that the plant have medicinal benefits.

For example Meniran which in Latin is known as the "Phyllanthus Urinaria" that have a reddish-green stem.

This plant has a uterus that can increase blood trombosit, so that a suitable alternative drug for people with dengue fever dengue (DBD).

Five students is Ten Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya who conduct research related to the uterus Meniran.

Five young researchers ITS is M. Burhan Rosyidi, Idya Rachmawati, Tyas Wulan Sari, Angga Premana and M Herman Eko.

They have ideas to make Meniran extract syrup that can be consumed for the sufferer DBD.

The idea of research that is submitted to the Directorate of Higher Education (Dikti) through the Ministry of National Education of RI Student Creativity Program (CRP) a year back and eventually funded.

For the research, Idya and four colleagues gathered Meniran. "We collect enough Meniran that there are around campus," he said.

According to the ITS Biology students, the idea that the Meniran not easily detached from the plant was found, including on campus.

"Meniran that grows wild and is in almost every roadside, even in the dry fields can also be found," he said.

From literature studies, they know when the plant that contains the "flavonoid" is nutritious trombosit increase blood.

"Flavonoid substances able to increase the antibody useful in the formation of blood trombosit, substances that are contained in the cashew nut," said the other young researchers, Burhan.

In research, they try mengekstraksi Meniran to obtain flavonoid, and create a formula and test it on a test sample is diinfeksi virus DBD.

To perform extraction, Organic Chemistry Laboratory of the five targeted students that, in order to obtain pure flavonoid contents.

The process was not easy. "We sometimes have to mendestilasi Meniran until late, and there are a few more processes such as chromatography column for final verification of flavonoid," kilahnya.

Student origin Gresik menuturkan the next job is to see the results trombosit improvement in test animals (mice large) that has flavonoid injected.

"To see if trombosit is increased, the spinal marrow of mice that be great. Fragment from the spinal marrow that can be known how many trombosit with the addition of NaCl first, "he said.

After that, the research team is young in mind and do a comparison when the number of animals tested trombosit with extracts Meniran an increase greater than that do not.

"Research does not stop, because we still need a pure flavonoid extract Meniran to be made into syrup, so that should be added some more substance," he said.

Five young researchers from the ITS Meniran hope that later can be used as medicine for people through the formulation of further dose for human consumption, but consumption directly to lalapan also what is not.

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