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Monday, March 9, 2009

Internet Users Already 1 Billion People

until this time there is no definitive data to the amount of internet users in the World, but according to comScore research, the number of internet users when this was written more than 1 billion people

"The number of internet users in excess of one billion people are important in the history of the Internet," said comScore CEO Magid Abraham dilansir as AFP, Minggu (25/1/2009). Certainty that the amount of one billion, comScore acquired in December 2008.

Abraham said, the amount of one billion internet users this is the right moment to strengthen the unity of the whole community, because the world will be close. In the near future, that number will quickly increase to two and even three billion people.

ComScore also states if the biggest internet users are people aged 15 years and over. The dominance of the Internet by people aged 15 years and over conducted in the most personal computer or a computer company.

Meanwhile, the region, comScore said, if the Asia-Pacific dominate as much 41 percent of the number of internet users overall that. while Europe, North America, and Latin America in the next sequence with 28.18, and 7 percent.
How in Indonesia, this year the number of Internet surely explode in Indonesia, this is due to the cheapness of internet access cost in Indonesia. Not to mention the freedom of information and there is a cyber Act was passed in Indonesia.

What about you, would like the opportunity to catch this ..?

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