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Monday, March 9, 2009

Danger of Short-Term Stress

Short-term stress that lasts only a few hours can damage the brain-cell communication in areas associated with the ability to learn and remember the power, said the researchers from Unviersity of California.

Stress has been known that weight is in progress for several weeks or months can damage cells in the area of communication and memory in the brain's ability to learn, but the study gave the first evidence that short-term stress has the same impact. Study in the Journal of broadcast Neurosicence.

"Stress continues to happen in our lives and can not be dodged," said Dr. Tallie Z. Baram, the leader of the study. "Our findings can play an important role in the development of drugs at this time which may prevent the impact of this is not desirable and offers understanding of why some people forget or have difficulty to maintain the information during a situation of pressure."

In their study, Baram and colleagues identify a new process of how stress impacts that result. They found that not involve hormones, known as the broad causes of stress, cortisol, which flows throughout the body, acute stress the fact that certain molecules called corticotropin releasing hormones (CRH), which disrupt the process of how the brain collects and stores memories.

The researchers found that these molecules inhibit the interaction with the CRH molecules reseptor eliminate stress on the damaged areas that are involved with learning and memory.

Baram also states that there are groups that show the ability to inhibit reseptor CRH, and studies that may play a role in the establishment of therapy based on the collection in order to handle the loss of memory and learning ability related to stress

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