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Saturday, March 7, 2009

Honey Bee Sting Therapy

Mentioned in the Qur'an surat An Nahl verses 68-69, in the honey bee there are medicines that cure for people. Products derived bees have produced 13 pieces, including honey, propolis, royal jelly, pollen, bee venom, bee wax, honey nest, bee bread, bee flyblow, and phedra.

Aphitherapy word (apiterapi) is a blend Latin, means aphis bees and therapy, treatment. Apiterapi is defined as a complementary treatment efforts for the purpose of prefentif, curative, and rehabilitation using the products and apis turunannya.

Thousands of Year

Use of honey bees for health, said Dr. Adji Suranto, Sp.A, from the Indonesian Doctors Perhimpunan Developer Traditional Eastern Health (PDPKT) of Jakarta, has been known since thousands of years ago. Painting coral rock era (6000 BC) shows the honey hunting.

Oldest evidence of honey to treat wounds and skin infections, ulcer, eye and ear diseases, written in the ceramics of the nation of Samaria (2000 BC). The Ebers papyrus (1550 BC) recorded a prescription-a prescription for the use of foreign honey, that is to kebotakan therapy, burns, abses, and pereda painful.

Honey is also used for wound healing after surgery, including circumcision, suppository, reduce inflammation and ease stiff joints. Until 1990, the cotton soaked in lemon juice and honey is still used as a means of contraception.

The use of bee sting therapy for painful joints and artritis has long been done by the Greek nation. Pelopornya is the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates.

Year 1888, Dr. Philip of France Tere examine the relationship between the bee sting and rheumatism. Previously, the year 1864, Prof.. Libowsky reported that curing patients suffering from rheumatism and neuralgia after diterapi with sengatan bees.

Treatment using sting (can be) known as the bee apipuntur. Apipuntur, said Dr. Adji, is part of apiterapi. Apipuntur take advantage of bee venom and Akupuntur method. Bees for this type of therapy APIs mellifera and cerana APIs. Apipuntur itself is part of apiterapi.

Bee sting or poison is very good for all activities menormalkan blood vessel and nerve. "The research shows that the bee sting contains melitin, apamin, peptida 401 (MDC), inhibitor protease, and norepinephrine," said the doctor who deepens complementary treatment since 1999 this year.

Apiterapi generally used to mitigate interference rheumatism, cold, flu, twist, until the weight of disease, such as high blood, diabetes, and cancer. This was claimed to effectively treat the disease degeneratif, such as stroke.


In practice apipuntur, dituturkan Dr. Adji, a bee sting is inserted in the body is done in two ways, ie direct (direct bee sting) and through injection containing toxic bees. "Bee poison pure antibody taken from someone who has often disengat bees," he said.

Sengatan amount depending on the type of disease. However, one sengatan dots in particular are considered just as introduction. "In the next therapy, dots are disengat again, but should not be more than 10 sengatan," said one child is male.

Sengatan bee that react in the body are marked with ketidaknormalan moment that individual is. Patient's reaction is different, whether previously disengat bees or not.

Usually, patients will experience local and systemic reactions. The local reaction is the swelling around the location sengatan, klinisnya symptoms of itching, pain, and stiff. Systemic reactions such as fever, weakness, ears buzz, and dizziness.

According to Dr. Adji, a reaction that occurs when the patient is sensitive, be replaced with the provision of drugs antihistamin for 10 days. Next new apiterapi be done again. Conditions above, the doctor said this graduate FKUI 1988, is a natural poison because bees are responding in the body. Like when we immunized.

To counteract such conditions, he recommends consumption of honey and spread embrocation in the swelling and itching. Therefore, bee sting therapy will be more effective when combined with the honey, propolis, pollen, or royal jelly.

Although the combined, not all types of diseases can be cured with the same therapy. For example, for diabetes, therapy that is used pollen and propolis. Interference for cataracts, in addition to bee sting, terapinya form of eye drops trigona honey and honey bees.

Interference for rheumatism, there are two points that disengat, ie the point where the local pain and systemic point, the point Akupuntur zusanli (bercekung area under the knee). In addition sengatan at the point of consumption plus royal jelly, propolis, and citosan.

Terapi apipuntur done in 12 meetings.

"Usually on the first point of the visit disengat only one. The next day plus one point sengatan again. So on. Sengatan duration of 10-15 minutes. After that can be repeated again, "he said.

Utilization apipuntur, added Dr. Adji, determined by the type of disease, patient age, and kontraindikasinya. Pregnant women, infants, children, and elderly people are encouraged not undergo this therapy.

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